Thursday, June 13, 2013

been a while...

I accidently clicked on this blog instead of "PINTEREST" on my bookmarks...

I don't believe in accidents :)

I haven't been on in a long time!!!

I'm up late... today we are supposed to close on OUR first home TOGETHER... I'm excited, but not sure what the progress it... last we heard we don't know what time... so we're open and flexible tomorrow... today since it's 12:41am.

My kids haven't seen their dad in almost 2 years, he was convicted as a sex offender in August 2011, and hasn't had ANY contact with the kids since then.  They were 6 and 3...  I scheduled the first supervised/therapy visitation for Tuesday.  I wish the kids would just punch him in the face and tell them how angry they are... but I know they will probably be excited and continue to take their anger out on me :(

I hate him, because he's made them so angry, and I wish they didn't have to go through this part, cause it's going to be hard... for them... and for me!

It's summer so Jackson is here.  The kids are all so happy and have been playing together like normal siblings :)  He's grown up some... not as sensitive as normal, but still himself!  I know he loves having people to play with all the time, he is so loud and excited all the time :)  Makes me smile :)

I'm tired... hopefully I can get some sleep!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view and physical well-being.[1] Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions and may contemplate or attempt suicideInsomniaexcessive sleepingfatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may also be present.[2]
Depressed mood is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder. It is a normal reaction to certain life events, a symptom of some medical conditions and a side effect of some medical treatments. Depressed mood is also a primary or associated feature of certain psychiatric syndromes such as clinical depression.

Depression SUCKS!  

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12:12:12 12/12/12

Today is December (12), 12th, 2012.

At 12:12 and 12 seconds  JK and I took a picture together (Well, Joel took the picture, yay for him!)

I love my husband so much, he makes me smile and makes me feel so special and loved :)

Here is our series of pictures... 12:12: 09,10,11,12 almost 13, and 13 :)   (it's backwards, pictures start with 12:12:13

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's the End of November

Finished Reading "Choosing Gratitude" by Nancy Leigh Demoss.

My life is open to being truly grateful for things I've taken for granted, but also, learning to say "Thank You" and mean it, instead of just saying it.  The most difficult chapter was learning to be thankful even at the worst of time (like when her son died from a car accident caused by someone else).  UGH... makes me thankful for all my BLESSINGS!!!

I started reading Beth Moore's Praying God's Word.  I LOVE IT!!!  Lots of great chapters that have already taught me so much about Guilt and unforgiveness, and more chapters I'm looking forward to reading.  

Next I have Beth Moore's Get Out of the Pit book.  (THANKFUL for the Library and free books to try out!)  :)

In January our ladies Bible study will start "listening" to "SO LONG INSECURITY" by Beth Moore on Audio.  I've already gone though it, but it's AWESOME and I want the ladies to also!  

October and November were crazy busy months with TONS of crafting, getting ready for Halloween (which turned out to be a SURPRISE Vow Renewal :)  and the huge T-shirt Quilt I made for a lady off craigslist... I'm making some big bucks doing something I LOVE :) And Joel's 5th Angry Birds Birthday Party... which I did a lot of crafting for.  CHEAP party, love it!

November is almost over, the Christmas tree is up, but the house is still not completely decorated :(  I bought the material to start another quilt for the ladies other child, and have made $50.00 this week selling toys on Craigslist.  Trying to make money to make up for the loss in Child Support that my kids dad hasn't been sending :(  Sad, hate having to sell their toys, but they are things they have outgrown, or NEVER play with.  Good timing too since Christmas is coming and they will get more toys.  

For Christmas I want to make the kids Hooded Towels.  Working on which theme for each child, SOOOO excited to make these and show them how much I love them.  They love it when I make them something special and unique for each of them :)

December doesn't look too busy yet.  I hope it will be a sweet, calm, relaxing month!!!  Mostly doing crafts and spending time inside with the kids!

Oh, Joel started doing "school" work during nap time yesterday (and he did it again today).  So far, in two days, he has learnt how to spell RED and read RED and he's doing tracing patterns and doing connect the dots :)  He loves it, and I love watching him learn :)

OH I AM SOOOO BLESSED!!!  I am so thankful that today I was able to sleep in until 8:30am (while JK was up taking care of the kids from the moment they woke up; feeding them breakfast, getting Brooke ready for school and sending her off, and then make sure the kids didn't bother me until I had to wake up...
to go to Brooke's school to Volunteer with the Take Home Reading program, 
then I was able to take Joel and Kamy to day care, and have "alone" time 
while I drove to JoAnn's to buy Kelly Green material for the quilt, 
and then spent time with Joel and Kamy for lunch, 
Kamy took a nap while Joel did some of his school work :)
And since about 1:30 I have been sitting in the big chair working on computer "stuff"... which mostly consists of fun and pictures (tons of them :)  
Now it's time to start the potatoes for "Crock Pot Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes and Broccoli" that we'll be eating for dinner and then the evening with my kids and husband!!!


Now potatoes and kiddos :)

<3 from, me

Friday, August 24, 2012


Two weeks ago I joined a ladies study group and started reading - Nancy Leigh Demoss - Choosing Gratitude: the journey to Joy.  In 1 week we all read the 1st chapter, and applying it to my life has been life changing.
Last night we talked about how in our every day life, in simple ways we say "Thank you", but there is truly no "gratitude" behind it.  We were taught as children to be polite, but never the true meaning of gratitude.

Just since I've been focusing on gratitude I have noticed SO many things in my life that I need to show more gratefulness for.

Today's post is about my AMAZING husband!!!

Yesterday I worked from 9am-3pm and then drove a friend to the airport and finally got home at 6pm, meaning I had 1 hr to get ready to host our 7pm study.  Because JK is so wonderful, he knew I would be stressed to get the house clean and ready for group.  So, while I was gone he:

Swept, mopped, vacummed, cleaned the bathroom, did laundry, put laundry away, washed the sheets, made the bed, did the dishes, picked up and took care of our two youngest kids (4 and 2 years).  All that was done between 9-12:30, then he came to drop the kids off with me and went to work for 8 hrs.

What an AMAZING man I have!!!  I sat during group looking around at my clean house :)  And realizing that I have never really show true gratitude for all that my husband does for me!!!

September 10th will be 1 year since I almost died and was in the hospital.  We are SO excited to celebrate my life (my 1 year anniversary) with a trip to Vegas :)  I am so blessed that I have an AMAZING man who has stood by my side through good and bad, sickness and health, rich and poor, you name it... he is always there, holding my hand.  And now I am learning to be more grateful!!!

JK and I at our daughters 7th birthday, hawaiian party (8/19/2012)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Old Time Photo

I've always wanted to take a picture of our whole family dressed up.
That dream came true this past week when we were in Estes Park on vacation.

This was so much fun!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012